
Feel the awesome.




Jan 2011


My parents planned to be here for a month to help us out with Asher and free us up to take care of Paxon when he arrived.  Little did we all know that my water was going to break 3 hours after their plane landed, and they would be pretty much on full-time Asher duty for about a month.  We are so thankful for my parents being here to take care of Asher so we could love Paxon, and grieve him.  Asher loved spending time with his grandparents, and experiencing new things.  He was all over the city checking out new parks, going bowling, he went to two movies (which he sat still for!), he learned how to fish, built a Darth Vader bear at Build-A-Bear, went on many walks, and perfected his beeshing and pillow fighting skills.  Thank you, Dad and Mom, for being here for us.  And, thank you (insert lots of sarcasm) because now Asher is bored out of his mind!


We’re so thankful that the whole Olimb family was able to be here with us for Paxon’s funeral.  They all took off of work, paid the ridiculous airline fees, and lugged their families across many states to be with us.  We’re so thankful to all of them, and for the family memories we were able to share in together.  They also chipped in to help put together Asher’s awesome new backyard toy, and made one little boy really happy!  And, all us girlies had the chance to go to the Phoenician for a fancy tea date.  We are so thankful for the joy they brought in the midst of all the hurt and pain.


We’re so thankful that our Hoverson family lives close to us now, and we’re able to share in life together.  Asher is especially LOVING his cousin Rush.  They are buds for life for sure!


We’re so thankful for how much Jeremy and I are still hearing about how our sweet Paxon has impacted people’s lives.  On top of all the emails/cards/calls/texts, we had over 20,000 visits to this blog during the 11 days that Paxon was here on earth.  It blesses us to hear and see that people loved our boy, and thanked God for his life.


We’re so thankful that Jeremy and I were able to get away for a day to take a road trip to beautiful Sedona.  We went for a hike along a river and were surprised to find that we were hiking in a winter wonderland.  It was a beautiful day.  Jeremy brought his hammock and camping gear for us to have some hot chocolate while we listened to the river run…and a very obnoxious whistling hiker…don’t be this person…ever.

On a side note, I’m so thankful for Jeremy, and our marriage, and our like-mindedness throughout everything with Paxon.  Jeremy and I were forced to make some pretty heavy decisions with Paxon, and those decisions were hard enough for us to make in unison, I can’t imagine if we were in disagreement.  I’m so thankful for how God protected us and kept us one.


We’re so thankful for how God has used extremely generous people to bless our family.  All of the door gift droppers have been had!  We know who you are!!!  We’re not really sure how we could ever thank all of you for your constant love to our family every day for months and months.  You’ve taught us a lot about being selfless, and holding someone’s hand as they walk through great suffering.  We’ll never forget your sweet acts of kindness to our family.

After we met with the funeral director, Jeremy transferred $2,500 from savings to checking to pay for part of the funeral expenses.  That day we received two checks from some more extremely generous people totaling $2,500.  This is not a coincidence.  Just another example at how God has used friends to provide for us.

Jeremy received a letter at work the week of Christmas from an unknown individual saying, “In honor of Paxon, my Christmas gift this year is a donation to Smile Train. Surgery costs for four children born with cleft palates, paid for with love for Paxon. Your son is impacting other lives. With much love + prayers, Your friends in Christ.”  It makes me cry just thinking about the four children who have been blessed with these surgeries!!!  We’re so thankful to whoever you are, and your generosity to love others through Paxon’s life.


This week family left, and Jeremy started back to work.  It’s been an emotional week for me.  Life is moving on, but I don’t want it to move on without my Paxon.

I have to keep reminding myself that Paxon is the Lord’s child, and He chose Jeremy and I to love him for the short 11 days he was here.  We wish the time would have been much longer…but, we’re so thankful we were chosen to be his Daddy and Mommy.

Our friend, Travis, sent us an email and we love what he said, “I believe Paxon knows better than any of us the sound of pure laughter only possible after the great shadow over life has departed. I look forward to hearing that sound, even coming from Paxon himself through perfected lungs!”


We’re trying our best to keep fun and laughter a high priority in our home for our other Asher boy.  So, what better way to do that than to have a silly string fight!  We’re so thankful for our Ash-man.



  1. Reply

    I love you so much… What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing with your extended family!

  2. Reply

    You are VERY welcomed,It was our Pleasure,we enjoyed our time as much as Asher did.Love You

  3. Reply

    Every time I visit your blog, I’m more amazed. You two are so strong. It’s inspiring. I think of you often and pray for your hearts to heal, when they’re ready to.

  4. Reply

    Beautifully written, Rach. We are so thankful along with you for all the blessings in the middle of such pain. We are continuing to pray for you every day. Love you friend!

  5. Reply

    Once again, you brought tears to my eyes, Rachel. What a lovely tribute to your family and friends. I know that Paxon, even is his short lifetime has had a major impact on SO many lives…..many of which you may never even know this side of heaven. Thank you for sharing your joys and grief. You have blessed and continue to bless so many.

  6. Reply

    Still praying for you…Much love to you all!

  7. Reply

    Awe, Rachel. This brought tears to my eyes. You write out your sorrows, joys, and all that you are going through so well. We are continuing to pray for you, Jeremy and Asher everyday. We love you and feel blessed that we can call you friends. You guys are an inspiration!

  8. Reply

    Paxon WILL continue to show himself throughout your life just as I’ve shared with you our experiences, and how you’re experiencing him. You will just need to keep your eyes and your hearts open to him. *HUGS*

  9. Reply

    I am thankful that your parents and rest of the family were able to come together. It looks like Asher had a lot of fun and will continue to with that awesome swing set! And I continue to pray for you and healing.

  10. Reply

    Beautiful, Rach. I am so thankful that your family could surround you during these past weeks. I love what Travis said & it makes me joyful to think of Pax laughing and having perfected lungs now. But I’m simultaneously sad that he isn’t here with you. As always, we are thankful for your precious family. You are continually in my prayers.

  11. Reply

    And we are thankful for you! For your unwaivering and ever-growing faith. For the way you love with such grace, humility and honesty. And for the “teaching” you probably don’t even know you are doing and the lessons we’ve learned from you. We are honored to be called your friends. Love you guys.

  12. Reply

    A heart of gratitude is the perfect antitdote for a root of bitterness that could spring up from the pain you’ve been through. Thanks for sharing your pictures that are so beautiful and sweet, and full of happy times with family that are so loving. It is the evidence of prayers answered, that this sadness would not break you and that you would feel the kindness of God in the midst of difficult days. Much love and prayers still that God heals your hearts and keeps Asher strong and healthy in this new year ahead.

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